30 plus years graphic


LED Lighting, Retrofit & Controls

LED Lighting Retrofit

GS Lighting Group’s Energy Division has a vision to provide its clients with a plan to achieve a future with reduced carbon footprint, healthier illuminated environment, with reduced hydro cost and a plan to achieve long term cost avoidance.

Our strategy is to provide every client with a professional approach to LED retrofit that brings transparency and trust to engineering an LED lighting solution that fits their cost structure, energy reduction goals, all awhile providing user groups with a new lighting system that will make their working environments healthier and more productive.

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Our partners are leading lighting manufactures in North America, that see the importance of investing in research and development to Engineer solutions and technologies that ultimately lead to the highest quality manufactured product – the results are performance that you can rely on for years to come.

Why you should consider LED Retrofit:

GS Lighting Group can help you achieve the following dramatic benefits without costly infrastructure changes.
  • Reduce your hydro usage on Lighting by up to 70%
  • Reduce long term maintenance cost
  • Save on labour cost
  • Improve employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Improve light levels and quality
  • Improve facility safety – interior and exterior
  • Enable lighting control systems – dimming, motion / daylight sensors, etc.
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Provide corporate stewardship on environmental concerns

Whether the retrofit solution is a simple dimming system, daylight harvesting, motion sensors or a complete integrated control solution that can communicate with your BAS, we can design and supply a complete system to meet your needs.

Our success with the design, supply and installation of LED retrofit solutions has no limits – we have experience in the design of small to the largest fortune 500 companies in the industrial, commercial, institutional (education & healthcare) and hospitality sectors.

Lighting Control Systems

GS Lighting Group provides engineered solutions for lighting control systems to assist in your energy goals.

Our Process and Procedure

Before lighting retrofit
After lighting retrofit
auditing a retrofit
Step#1 – Evaluation and Audit:
Our energy team will meet with your client group to understand your objectives and goals, your lighting requirements for user groups in each space and then audit existing lighting systems (wattages, voltage, lighting levels)
Step#2 – Education and Design:
GS Lighting Group provides a design process that allows for a level of explanation and education on various lighting systems. We believe in providing clients clarity in the design process to facilitate an understanding of LED fixture technology and control options. Our design team will provide computer generated interior and exterior lighting designs plans on reflected building and site drawings, so you can visual future results. This process will provide you an expectation for installed results. We can provide educational seminars to your management group and supply samples for review.
Step#3 – The Proposal:
This step takes the above design to a ROI stage. We will provide you all the details. What your current installed lighting systems is, current lighting levels and current energy load. The proposal will provide the approved design, fixture specs, the expected design light levels and cost. Our proposal will breakdown a Return on Investment based on your energy reduction load.
Step#4 – Implementation:
Once you are certain that our proposal meets all your requirements and goals, we can help with the submitted IESO retrofit Save on Energy Program paperwork to help you submit your retrofit for approval and receive the rebates available.
Step#5 – Installation:
We can provide you an option for a turnkey solution with a licenced and certified Electrical Contracting company.